The Interference Pattern Created by One Particle is Evidence of Anti-dimensional Space
The creation of an interference pattern by one particle in a single slit experiment is evidence of Anti-dimensional space
The interference pattern has a fuzzy border; Indicating that interference of anti-energy and the energy of nSpace is not 100%; which indicates that cancellation of nSpace by Anti-dimensional space is not 100%. The difference is the universe we see. The difference is the expansion of the universe we see due to dark energy production.
The expansion may be due to the annihilation of nSpace and Anti-dimensional space (creates energy) which results in the expansion of space due to the Conservation of Definition.
The annihilation of space creates an equal and opposite expansion of space which is attributed to dark energy.
As the available energy from quantum fluctuations is many times the energy observed for dark energy, the difference may be equivalent to the factor of annihilation.