There isn’t just ‘Space’: There is nSpace and antiSpace

gregory malley
3 min readSep 16, 2020


There is spatial relativity, not absolute space, because Definition is a function of relativity. nSpace is relative to antiSpace. We live in nSpace.

Just as matter and antimatter are relatively defined. antiSpace is a set of dimensions which are relative to, which shadow, the dimensions of nSpace. Excuse my parochialism.

The interaction of nSpace and antiSpace may illuminate why the expansion rate of the universe is miscalculated.

In understanding that space has ’n’ and ‘anti’ dimensions, we understand how one particle can have an interference pattern with itself.

What happened before the Big Bang, what caused Inflation, and the theories regarding Dark Energy and Dark Matter are all informed by the relationship of nSpace to antiSpace. The intersection of nSpace and antiSpace is why there is fusion.

Experimental Verification

Assume that the intermix of fluctuations in the dimension of nSpace and antiSpace reduces the potential energy of quantum fluctuations by the quantity observed. Using that rate of interaction, we can see if there is an equivalent change in the relationship between dark energy and dark matter production.

The interference pattern of one particle (field disturbance) [1]should be equivalent to [2] the cancellation of quantum fluctuations by antiquantum fluctuations; the cancellation of space by antispace.

Falsifiable Hypothesis 1:

The (overlap of the) interference pattern, which we observe when a particle interferes with itself, could be evidence that there is nSpace and antiSpace. The implication is that the nSpace and antiSpace components of the particle (which is a field disturbance) cancel.

The hypothesis is that the interference pattern of a particle with itself is equivalent to the overlap of space and antispace, of quantum fluctuation and antifluctuation.

A possible explanation for the difference between the observed and the calculated energy of quantum fluctuations (which is calculated to be far more than what is observed in respect to the expansion of the universe) is that there is nSpace and antiSpace.

Does this differential match up with the observed interference pattern of a particle’s perturbation of nSpace and antispace?

We can calculate the amplitude of nSpace and antiSpace as a function of a particle’s interference pattern. (Is it always the same for all particles?) Is that interference sufficient to account for the difference. Annihilation would be almost complete, except for what shows up on the fringes. The fringes are where it (the nSpace and antispace fluctuations) do not cancel.

The overlap should match up with interference pattern we observe of one particle.

The amplitude as indicated by the interference pattern is equivalent to the amplitude of quantum fluctuations of nSpace and antiSpace.

Falsifiable Hypothesis 2:

Quantum Tunneling is the overlap of n1Space and antiSpace. In this opening, the electron is redefined in n2Space, the area defined after the intersection of n1Space and antiSpace. The rate of occurrence of quantum tunneling matches up with the over estimation of quantum energy production from the fluctuation of space; 1/chance of tunneling = observed dark energy emission / predicted energy from quantum fluctuations.

Falsifiable Hypothesis 3:

The fuzzy part of the interference pattern created by one particle interfering with itself is equivalent to the probability of the occurrence of quantum tunneling.


Does the ratio of dark energy to dark mass change in proportion to the difference in the expression of quantum energy fluctuation relative to what is observed?

Does it change in relation to the expansion of spatial dimensions? Spatial dimensions which have an ’n’ and ‘anti’ dimensional component.

DE / QFE = amount of interference

Does the change in the ratio of DE / DM = cancelled QFE/ QFE ( as predicted)



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